Thursday, January 30, 2014

Some winter pics, beautiful!

New arrivals

These are the chicks we ordered off the internet. We bought a galvanized round water trough to house them in with a heat lamp. About the time we get these ready to go out we will be adding 15 turkey chicks.

Incubating babies

Chatty Cathy the house chicken

I'm back

Well, I'm sorry I have not posted, so many things have been happening. Mostly we have just been trying to keep our animals alive and doing well during theses cold spurts. Life is definitely all good on the farm and we have had just 2 bird deaths as far as the outside birds, and that was due to extreme cold. Randy's Grandpa gave us 13 Rhode Island Red Chickens and they are doing well. Many of our birds, despite the cold, are still laying quite well. I have switched jobs, went from retail to the prison system, which is a huge change and has taken me some getting used to, for me, Randy and the animals because of the strange schedule and just trying to give my all. We bought a incubator and are currently incubating about 16 eggs, some tiny and some huge, just a great mixture, this will be a interesting 21 days until hatching, we are very excited about the out come. Randy also ordered 29 baby Buffs and 1 exotic off the internet and they were delivered a couple of days ago, they are doing well and I will post pics soon. Out of the 30 we have lost 3 chicks, idk why but we have never had chicks without some loss. We also brought one of our banty hens inside to keep her from dying and she has now become a house chicken, it sounds strange but really no different than any other house bird. She is very social lol and just loves it inside with us lol Yes she has a cage, but is only in the cage at night. Well, look for pics, I have plenty to add. Thanks for keeping up with the blog or lack of.